Sunday, 14 August 2016

Photo Diary: DUBROVNIK

It's a been far too long guys, I haven't written a blog post for a few months so I thought I'd knock up a simple one seeing as it's Sunday and I'm lazy AF.

In April, me and Daisy spent a week surrounded by crystal clear waters and soaking up the Adriatic sun. It was a welcome break from the madness that's London when you're in your (late) twenties. Don't get me wrong I love the city (clue is in the blog-name) but it's good for the soul to get some silence and sun. And god knows you ain't getting much of either in south London. 

This is less of a guide and more of a photo diary, so I hope you enjoy leisurely scrolling through the pics and are filled with enough wonderlust to book a flight. Oh, and this is where they film a lot of Game of Thrones, so feel free to geek out a little. I did.

Seeing as Dubrovnik is quite small and easy to explore, I only really have two tips for you:
  1. Make sure you walk the city walls
  2. Hop on a boat to Lockrum island (or any island for that matter) 
Hope you enjoyed the photos! I'm already missing the place!

Dan x

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